WILSON, John Valentine (1890-1915)

Born 1890 at Yarra Glen. Youngest son of David Wilson and Elizabeth McPherson who owned a farm at Christmas Hills.

Jack (as he was known)  was among the first Victorians to enlist, on 17 August 1914, and sailed from Melbourne in October with the 8th Battalion. The 8th Battalion was part of the second wave that landed at Gallipoli. Ten days after the landing, the 2nd Brigade, of which his Battalion was a part, was transferred from Ari Burnu to Cape Helles to help in the attack on the village of Krithia. Then the Victorian Battalions were returned to ANZAC to help defend the beachhead. Jack Wilson was killed in action at Gallipoli on 3 Jun 1915. His body was found and buried by Captain Goodfellow and Major Waterhouse although the position of the grave is not known.

John (Jack) Wilson is commemorated on the Yarra Glen Honour Roll, the Yarra Glen War Memorial, the Christmas Hills Honor Roll, the Kangaroo Ground Honour Board and on the Lone Pine Memorial at Gallipoli.