The first Yarra Glen Show was organized by the Yarra Glen Horticultural & Fruit Growers Society in 1901. The President of the Society was Nathaniel Ellis and the Secretary was Edward Charles Morris. The Presidency of the Society changed annually but Mr Morris held his position until 1920. The Classes selected were Fruit (27 sections), Vegetables (28 sections), Flowers (17 sections), and Miscellaneous (22 sections including dairy produce, needlework and schoolwork). The major prize winner was William Hubbard who continued to feature prominently in the Fruit Class, particularly with his apples for many years. Because of the static display of all entries the Victoria Hall provided an appropriate venue. In the late afternoon the Hall was cleared and a Concert was provided in the evening to a full house.

The success of the Show was evident by 1904 with an increase in the Classes including one for horses. There were nine entrants for best spring cart mare or gelding driven in harness. This event took place on Bell Street where the animals were driven several times up and down the road between the Burgoyne Hotel and the railway gates. The other horse events took place in a paddock alongside the railway line, with the embankment providing a vantage point for spectators. Cattle were included for the first time in the 1905 Show.

The Show grew in size and popularity to the extent that in 1913 it was relocated to the Recreation Ground where a new spacious exhibition building had been built.  The Show continued throughout the period of the First World War and good attendances were reported. Improvements to the Recreation Reserve were paid for and the net proceeds for the 1916 Show were able to be donated to the Wounded Soldiers Fund.

From 1917 the organizing body for the Show was the Yarra Glen Agricultural and Horticultural Society. This reflects the increasing interest in the horse and cattle events. The ring events were becoming very popular, especially the Walk, trot & gallop.

In 1918 a rift occurred among the organisers when a breakaway group formed consisting of several members of the former Horticultural & Fruit Growers Society. In January 1919 the Eltham and Whittlesea Shires Advertiser reported that Mr N. Ellis had been elected President, and Mr C. Ellis elected Secretary, of a newly formed Yarra Glen Horticultural Society. A war of words followed for some time through the medium of the local press. The Horticultural Society held its Show on 12 March 1919 and the 19th Yarra Glen Agricultural & Horticultural Show was held on Saturday 22 March 1919 with a record 900 entries and a gate of £24.4s.6d. The number of Member Tickets had also increased to more than 100.

In December 1919 the Yarra Glen & District Horticultural Society applied to the Shire Council for permission to hold its second Show on 10 March 1920. It appears that this never transpired and the rift was healed. Mr Ernest Cary was appointed Secretary and held the position until 1950, earning much respect for his work in this role.

Source: YG&DHS Newsletter no.22 November 2006